PRP therapy

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The aims of the PRP treatment or the procedure known as Dracula therapy in everyday language are

  • the rejuvenation of the patient’s skin,

  • slowing down of the aging processes

  • and upholding of the achieved results in the long run

with the use of the cell renewing materials found in the patient’s own blood.

The Dracula therapy is applicable for smoothing wrinkles and folds, cell renewal and refreshing of sagged and dry skin.

The great advantage of PRP treatment over other wrinkle removing procedure that it cannot cause allergic reaction, because the treatment is performed by the own cells of the body.

The Dracula therapy can be applied on the whole body, but mostly it is used for the rejuvenation of the face, the neck, the cleavage and the hand.

In the course of the PRP treatment or the Dracula therapy we reduce the 10-20 ml blood obtained by the usual way to its components (10-20 minutes procedure), so the serum is dissolved from the red blood corpuscles. The recovering and regenerating effect of the protein rich serum is known in the medicine for a long time, it is frequently applied in the field of orthopedics or even dentistry.

The platelet rich plasma (PRP), i. e. the yellow fluid (serum) accumulating in the head of the ampoule in consequence of centrifugation – which is rich in growth factor and proteins facilitating cell renewal - is collected in a syringe. This serum has 2-8 times more blood platelets as the normal serum and during the procedure we can also enrich it with vitamins and aminoacids.

During the Dracula therapy we return this serum into the skin with one of the techniques used at mesotherapeutic procedures: with injection syringe, mesotherapeutic pistol or mesoroller to the territory to be treated or to the face from the hairline to the jaw. At injection we pay particular attention to the treatment of crow's feet, forehead, smile wrinkles or the gabella (territory between eyebrows). In the course of the intervention we apply surface anesthesia.

The PRP treatment or Dracula therapy stimulates the regeneration and growth of the collagen cells of the skin, inhibits tha aging process of the skin, reduces the wrinkles, the scars and makes even the dry, pale skin smoother, fresher and younger. Since the injected serum is rich in natural proteins and growth factors, in the consequence of Dracula therapy new collagen and elastin fibres are produced, which give back the lost flexibility. Moreover, new blood vessels are formed, so the metabolism, the hydrated status and the oxygen supply of the treated territoty is getting better.

The PRP treatment or Dracula therapy uses the advantages of the normal recovering processes, regenerating ability of the body at an accelerated pace. In normal case during wound healing at the territory of the injuries platelets or trombocytes and even the growth factors and proteins appear in more quantites, which help in the forming of the new, more flexible tissue. In the course of Dracula therapy skin rejuvenation and the significant improvement of skin structure happens with the artificial increase of the concentration of cells characteristic of wound healing.

After Dracula therapy/PRP treatment it is good to know:

  • As an immediate result of the treatment you can experience even the improvement, smoothing of wrinkles, but this isn’t lasting, because only the water molecules fill out temporarily the folds, and after its absorption even the state before the treatment can be restored. The Dracula therapy exerts its effect in months. 3-4 weeks after the treatment the improvement can be seen and this improving tendency can last for even 12-18 months.

  • Following the treatment for 3 weeks the treatment with heating the treated territory, pack, using solarium and sauna is forbidden. These procedures accelarate the degradation of active ingredients used in the Dracula procedure and this way they endanger the efficiency of the treatment. After 3 weeks any kind of treatment can be applied.

  • Besides the Dracula therapy the appropriate level of daily fluid intake also has a great role in increasing the hydration of the skin, which is optimally 2-4 liters of non-carbonated water. This is recommended for everyone!

  • At the place of pin-pricks flush and mild odema can appear after the treatment, but this disappears next morning.

  • The place of pin-pricks can be visible for a few days, but on the second day of the treatment it can be covered up by a little make-up and the patients can return undisturbedly to their everyday activities.

  • To achieve the optimal result of the Dracula therapy a cure of three treatments is needed within half a year and the result can last for 1,5-2 years. The second treatment takes place 4 weeks after the first one and the third one should be performed within half a year.

  • The efficiency of the treatments can be different from person to person. Typically 3 treatments provide the optimal result, but it can’t be guaranteed so in certain cases more treatments may be needed.

  • Once in half a year a maintenance therapy should be applied for the sake of lasting effect.

  • The Dracula therapy can be combined with any other cosmetic intervention (e.g. laser desquamation, wrinkle smoothing, mesotherapy, etc.).

Patients cannot be treated in the below cases:

  • during steroid- or hameostasis inhibitor treatment,

  • disease with fever,

  • active skin disease on the treated territory (e.g.: psoriasis, eczema),

  • illness of hemapoietic system,

  • active herpes on the treated territory,

  • autoimmune disease,

  • chronic liver disease,

  • blood coagulation problem,

  • tumorous disease,

  • any kind of inflammatory disease.


Face treatment: 90.000 HUF/occasion

