Laser removal of warts

Ordinary warts (papilloma)

Warts are tumours on the skin and the mucous membranes (mouth or genitals), which can be caused by the more than 100 types of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Ordinary wartsare found on those parts of the body that are exposed to trauma, for example, on the elbow, knees, and on the back of the hands. They are flesh-coloured, dome-shaped, and their feel is rough. The virus causes the top layer of the skin to thicken.

Warts are usually transmitted through human contact. The virus is only slightly contagious but can cause infection through a damaged skin surface. The virus may spread similarly inside a person’s body. The virus rarely spreads by touching an object used by the infected person.
Ordinary warts are painless, with only one exception. If the wart develops on the soles of the feet (known as plantar warts), the wart grows inward because of the pressure caused by walking, which can cause intense pain.

Genital warts (Condyloma)
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI). There is a direct connection between HPV and genital warts (earlier they were called sexually transmitted warts). HPV causes cervical cancer in women, and lately it is believed to be playing a role in the different cancerous diseases of the anus, vulva, vagina, penis and throat.

Genital warts (condylomata acuminata) are the signs of a genital HPV infection that are the easiest to recognize. It is important to note, however, that there are a lot of HPV infected persons who do not have genital warts. Genital warts typically appear on the genitals (penis, vagina, and anus); they appear as painless, soft, flesh-coloured tumours. Genital warts can appear inside the vagina, on the uterus, and in the anus.
These warts can be flat or they can stand out; they can be big or small with a cauliflower-like surface, appearing in clusters. Genital warts can be easily recognized with ordinary inspection.
Although these warts do not threaten people’s health, many people want to get rid of them for various reasons. The most common reason is that bigger warts can be irritated by clothes rubbing against them. Others want to remove them for cosmetic reasons.

Following the super-pulsed CO2 laser treatment of papilloma and condyloma - depending on the size of the warts - there is no or only minimal scarring.



Prices - removal of warts, fibromas

Medical examination, consultation* 15 000 HUF
Laser surgery / piece, from 15 000 HUF
Laser surger / region**      20 000 - 50 000 HUF
Removal of pigmented birthmark***     25 000 HUF
Histology 6 000 HUF
Controll FREE

* If the surgery is made right after the consultation, the medical examination is for free.
** Region: favorable pricing if there are more warts need to be removed at the same region.  
*** Changing bandage after 3 days, removal of stitches after 2 weeks.

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